
Instructor/Author Michael Fickess

Michael Fickess is a prophetic teacher, prolific author, and educator with a heart to draw people into the “deep things of God.” Michael currently serves as director of MorningStar University and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, with his wife, Rachelle, and their two sons, Samuel and Ari. As an avid homesteader, Michael has inspired many families to pursue a lifestyle of fearless self-sufficiency and “returning to the land” as a means to navigate uncertain times with peace and plenty.

The glory of the latter house will be greater than the glory of the former house..."
- Haggai 2:9

Today, the world around us is being shaken as never before. We’re witnessing “wars and rumors of wars,” economic turmoil, cultural decay, unprecedented natural disasters, and other ominous signs of the times. As we witness this kind of shaking around the globe, it is more important than ever to have a clear vision of God’s greater plans for us in the end times.

This is not only a time of deepening darkness, but of increasing light and glory. It is not only the time of deception, but of a pure and spotless Bride rising to meet the challenges of this hour.

Instead of giving in to fear and losing our hope, it is time to grow in our faith and expectation by looking more deeply into the biblical promises of a glorious, powerful, and victorious end-times Church.

In this intensive six-week course, you will:

– Dive deep into the prophetic ministries of Enoch, Ezekiel, and John to discover what God has promised for us and where we are God’s end times timeline.

– Learn what it really means to be the City of God.

– Learn how to walk in the “powers of the age to come” even in this present life (Hebrews 6:5).

– Discover how to abide in the presence, power, and glory of God no matter what is happening around you.

– Become even more firmly rooted in the foundational truth of “Christ and Him crucified,” through which we receive all the promises of greater glory and harvest in this chapter of earth’s history.

Course curriculum


    1. SESSION 1: Understanding the "End Times" - Introduction to the Book of Enoch

    1. SESSION 2: Ascension and Glory

    1. SESSION 3: An End-Times Road Map

    1. SESSION 4: The River of God

    1. SESSION 5: The Sign of Jonah & Call to Prayer + The Ever-Increasing Glory of God

About this course